Friday, December 28, 2012

Be Thankful

Did everyone have a great holiday?? I have been so incredibly lazy these past couple of days. Working out this morning turned into a slow walk on the treadmill catching up on US Weekly...

I have, however, been busy working on some new wedding invitations I can't wait to share with you and lets not forget thank you cards! It's three days after Christmas so our grace period is officially over. Time to give thanks where thanks is due. Lucky for you I've added some new goods to the shop so hop on over and grab some thank you cards and get to writing!  

Friday, December 21, 2012

Southwestern Invitations

Remember when I told you 5,000 years ago about some awesome new colored pencil invitations I made? Do you also remember I kept promising and promising to share them with you? Welp, here we are and I am FINALLY showing them off. The truth is, they literally sold one day after I put them in the Etsy shop and I've been so busy I haven't had time to make another set! 

Anyways, the story behind these are pretty simple. I've been having fun playing around with my colored pencils and I was literally just doodling and came up with this fun pattern. I would say it's southwestern rustic! I think pinks, oranges and reds would look great in this pattern as well! Next time, next time...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Say Thanks!

How was everyone's weekend?? Did you brave the real world and attempt any holiday shopping? The malls are OUT OF CONTROL. I used to consider myself a mall rat but whoa. Even I've been getting a little overwhelmed...

The only shops I will endure the crazies for are the paper stores. I headed out bright and early and hit up a few of my favorites and came home with some super fun stuff! I was really gravitating towards the pinks and blacks when I was shopping...not sure why that is but I LOVE how these simple thank you cards turned out! They're funky and colorful and a great mix of patterns. I added them to the Etsy shop so go grab them if you're in the market!

I know I promised you some more colored pencil creations and I WILL get them posted! I got distracted with the acrylic paints so you know how that goes...

Have a great week and make something pretty :)